2014년 8월 27일 수요일

Day 1 - Introduction

My name is Annie Lee. I am involved in the band, which is currently the only activity I have time for since marching and football seasons are both up and running right now...

During the summer, I went to New York, Washington D.C., and Baltimore, and stayed with my sister, who was taking summer courses at her school at Johns Hopkins. While she was having fun (not really) studying for organic chemistry, I had a fun taste of what college would be like. It was a very cool experience talking to individuals just starting to delve into their respective interests; they inspired me to look forward to what I dream of. Shortly after I arrived back in Dallas, I attended the George Parks Drum Major Academy, a week-long summer camp of participating in "drum major activities." The days were hot and long, and as soon as I got back from that, summer band began at the end of July. I've also been going to Lifetime every day to get back in shape since I never have time during the school year.

The best vacation for me would be a trip to Alaska. I would love to stay away from the heat and do awesome things in the cold. I haven't really planned any specifics.. yet... but I'm not fond of this Texas heat.

After I walk across the stage with my diploma and hopefully not falling on my face, I plan to attend college and go into medical field. I've always been interested in surgery procedures.

Something unique about me... I have perfect pitch. I hear a sound and know what note it is. That's something.. it kind of relates to science.. harmonic motion. Yay physics.

I'm looking forward to this class and earning a new perspective of our world!

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